
Stonehearth game clay
Stonehearth game clay

stonehearth game clay

My starting selection of characters was based on the roles that I judged most important to the getting this colony off the ground. By default, all the villagers are workers, but with the right items they can be promoted into special classes, such as warriors who defend the village, crafters who make necessary items, or resource-suppliers like farmers and trappers. In the starting roster, you can’t directly alter their stats or traits, but you can randomly generate villagers individually or as a group for as long as you want until you get something you like, and can change their names and appearances freely. Stonehearth villagers (or ‘hearthlings) have three stats-Mind, Body and Spirit- as well as up to two traits that influence their behavior. Then there’s performance, I wouldn’t call my computer a potato or a toaster but it isn’t anything you could accurately call a gaming computer and this game runs wonderful not only can I keep the settings on fantastic while having 80 bots constantly working, but there doesn’t seem to be much or any slowdown in the thought process of the bots unlike stonehearth where regardless of my settings even if I set the speed to 1x a 12 hearthling colony will begin to become ultra confused and idle way too often. and remember the only things you can do that the bots can’t, is design programs. There’s always better ways to do something you’ve already done and somehow there is no external pressure to keep moving, yet there was never a time I just didn’t do anything unlike in factorio Where I’m always waiting for research and resources before I can do anything, or duskers where I’ll be sitting on one station looking at the last room I need access to for half an hour.

stonehearth game clay

There’s no real story or lore that I can tell, it’s just automate things, but it’s done in such a way that you can never keep things quite clean so there’s always something more you can automate, something more you could clean, the progression never makes you wait, you always have something to do something to craft something to automate.


All of this combined makes a very cheerful and slightly sinister (please watch Aavaks current series on it find out how sinister). And another game I recently started playing which is duskers for the micromanaging robotics that it brings to the table. Factorios lean towards efficiency, production chains, research, and elegance (basically Always trying to make elegant solutions when you know how you could do the same thing inelegantly but effectively). That brings said the combination is as follows, stonehearths cheery nature and graphics as well as an open and inviting world.

stonehearth game clay

Time for my review of autonauts, a game I recently purchased which has turned out to be an almost perfect combination of games I’ve been wanting to combine recently, I say almost because there are some things it do with to make it truly perfect.

Stonehearth game clay